Examines the lives of seven lesser known figures from the Revolutionary period, including one of Washington's soldiers, a wealthy merchant, a blacksmith, and the politically active Mercy Otis Warren.
A collection of behind-the-scenes stories about the lives of presidents after their White House years includes such accounts as John Quincy Adams's work as an abolitionist, William Howard Taft's service as chief justice of the Supreme Court, and Dwight Eisenhower's covert support of the war effort in North Vietnam.
The Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Benjamin Franklin celebrates lesser-known aspects of the lives of America's founding fathers, national heroes, and more obscure figures whose steadfastness to their causes influenced the country's development.
Examines the drug trade in Afghanistan, discussing how farmers there continue to grow poppy illegally, and how the Taliban and al Qaeda control heroin labs and distribution networks, and use drug profits to finance terrorist activities.